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mesencephalic Meaning in Telugu ( mesencephalic తెలుగు అంటే)


mesencephalic's Usage Examples:

three parts, from rostral to caudal (top to bottom in humans): The mesencephalic nucleus The chief sensory nucleus (or "pontine nucleus" or "main sensory.

The cephalic flexure also known as the mesencephalic flexure, is the first flexure or bend that forms between the midbrain.

The cerebral aqueduct (aqueductus mesencephali, mesencephalic duct, sylvian aqueduct or aqueduct of Sylvius) is a conduit for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

This nucleus tapers into the lower mesencephalic reticular formation and contains sporadic giant cells.

lethargy, coma and death due to compression of the mesencephalic reticular activating system.

Retrograde studies have shown that the deep mesencephalic reticular formation and oral pontine reticular nucleus project to the.

The mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve is involved with reflex proprioception of the periodontium and of the muscles of mastication in the jaw that.

The inferior olivary nucleus, mesencephalic nucleus of V, and main sensory nucleus of V are.

mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) is a functionally defined area of the midbrain that is associated with the initiation and control of locomotor movements.

akinetic mutism most often appears in two different forms: frontal and mesencephalic.

He decided to test his hypothesis by adapting a technique of decerebration in cats, that left the forebrain in situ after a mesencephalic transection.

Primary cell bodies are in the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve.

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