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merlins Meaning in Telugu ( merlins తెలుగు అంటే)

మెర్లిన్లు, ఒక గద్ద

(ఆర్థూరియన్ లెజెండ్,


ఒక గద్ద,

merlins తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఆఫ్రికాలో, 1924 లో ఉన్న తంగ్ చైల్డ్, ఒక గుహ నుండి వచ్చి, ఒక గద్ద తర్వాత అది జమ చేయబడిన తరువాత, ఒక గుహనుండి రావటానికి చాలా సంవత్సరాలు ఆలోచించింది.

merlins's Usage Examples:

In the Shetland Islands, Simon King followed a family of otters and a host of birds: puffins, great skuas, oystercatchers, merlins and red-throated divers.

book "American Kestrels in Modern Falconry", in an article comparing kestrels to merlins, summed their abilities up as follows: 1.

populations in North America have been significantly increasing, with some merlins becoming so well adapted to city life that they forgo migration.

and teal have been recorded, while birds of prey such as merlins and peregrines are regularly seen.

of merlins, mewed in her own chamber, to the detriment of her gowns and kirtles".

peregrine falcons, merlins, robins, willow warblers, song thrushes and dunnocks among others.

was also fond of falconry, and "kept commonly a cast or two of merlins, mewed in her own chamber, to the detriment of her gowns and kirtles".

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