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meningocele Meaning in Telugu ( meningocele తెలుగు అంటే)

మెనింగోసెల్, మొర్రెంట్ హెర్నియా

కేంద్ర నాడీ వ్యవస్థ యొక్క పుట్టుకతో వచ్చిన వ్యత్యాసం, దీనిలో మెదడు లేదా వెన్నుపాము నుండి పర్సులో ఒక మరోసోస్పినల్ ద్రవం ఉంది (కానీ నరాల కణజాలం లేదు,



meningocele's Usage Examples:

only cerebrospinal fluid and the overlying membrane, it may be called a meningocele.

In contrast to a meningocele, in which the fluid is surrounded and confined by dura mater, in a pseudomeningocele.

Lateral meningocele syndrome, also known as Lehman syndrome, is a very rare skeletal disorder with facial anomalies, hypotonia and meningocele-related.

consists of a presacral mass (usually a mature teratoma or anterior meningocele), anorectal malformation and sacral dysgenesis.

Cutaneous meningioma (also known as "Heterotopic meningeal tissue," and "Rudimentary meningocele") is a developmental defect, and results from the presence.

Meningohydroencephalocoele (AmE: meningohydroencephalocele) is a form of meningocele (AmE) - a developmental abnormality of the central nervous system.

Also sometimes found here is an anterior meningocele, a relatively mild form of neural tube defect.

accompanied by a protrusion of the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid (meningocele) or protrusion of meninges, cerebrospinal fluid and nerve tissue (meningomyelocele).

Mutations in NOTCH3 are associated to lateral meningocele syndrome.

[citation needed] A meningocele may also form through dehiscences in the base of the skull.

meningioma (also known as "Heterotopic meningeal tissue," and "Rudimentary meningocele") is a developmental defect, and results from the presence of meningocytes.

agenesis Sacral defect anterior sacral meningocele Sacral hemangiomas multiple congenital abnormalities Sacral meningocele conotruncal heart defects Sacral.

In several cases the mass was removed during reparative surgery for meningocele or myelomeningocele.

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