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liquidus Meaning in Telugu ( liquidus తెలుగు అంటే)

ద్రవపదార్థం, ద్రవ పదార్ధం


రసం, నీటి, ద్రవ పదార్ధం,


లిక్విడ్, స్పష్టమైన, ఇది ఘన కాదు,

liquidus's Usage Examples:

measured along a variety of dimensions such as slope, soak, time above liquidus (TAL), and peak.

With sufficient flux, in the state of liquidus, molten solder alloys will exhibit a characteristic called "wetting.

predominantly observed in alloys having a marked difference between ((liquidus)) and solidus temperatures.

802°C (1475°F) and a liquidus flow point of 899°C (1650°F).

flux is a substance, such as salt, that produces a low melting point (liquidus) mixture with a metal oxide.

The solidus is always less than or equal to the liquidus, but they need not coincide.

The liquidus temperature, TL or Tliq, specifies the temperature above which a material is completely liquid, and the maximum temperature at which crystals.

Though insufficient to break the surface, fertile, low-liquidus material was distributed throughout the lithospheric mantle.

For example, in the silver-gold system the melt temperature (liquidus) and freeze temperature (solidus) "meet at the pure element endpoints of.

statistical analysis, liquidus temperatures, ternary property diagrams Phase Equilibria Diagrams: Phase diagrams, including liquidus and solidus temperatures.

microconstituent growth decreases as the temperature decreases from the liquidus temperature reaching a maximum at the bay or nose of the curve.

The liquidus and solidus temperatures.

The filler metal is brought slightly above its melting (liquidus) temperature while protected by a suitable atmosphere, usually a flux.

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