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linted Meaning in Telugu ( linted తెలుగు అంటే)




linted తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఇది 1843 మార్చి 22 న ఒక పట్టణం నుండి నగరానికి ఎత్తివేయబడింది, ఇది ఆసియాలోని పురాతన పౌర సంస్థగా (175 సంవత్సరాలు) నిలిచింది.

మోంటెవీడియో ముట్టడి ఎత్తివేయబడింది.

కాని 2009 లో ఈ నిషేధ నిర్ణయం ఎత్తివేయబడింది.

2007 లో కింబర్లీ ప్రాసెసు సర్టిఫికేషన్ పథకంలో లైబీరియా ప్రవేశం తరువాత నిషేధం ఎత్తివేయబడింది.

1990 లో నిషేధం ఎత్తివేయబడింది.

కొద్దికాలం తర్వాత, ఇండోనేషియాలో టిక్ టాక్ వీడియోలు సెన్సార్ చేయడంతో 2018 జులై 11న నిషేధం ఎత్తివేయబడింది.

linted's Usage Examples:

The toe is reset and splinted and Cate is expected to fully recover.

of the Canton of Zürich as part of the Diocese of Chur, the large but splinted extend of the Diocese of Basel and the lack of a Metropolitan see stay.

After the painting is completed, the bark is splinted at either end to keep the painting flat.

The couter was added to the hauberk to better protect the elbows, and splinted armour.

The last description more closely fits splinted armor, which consists of long metal splints connected by mail/leather used.

The title song, "Christmas", was described as "a frosty, sun-glinted, dreamy, nine-minute snowglobe dirge" by Spin.

was protected by splinted or lamellar vambrace.

was transparent and "it was not easy to see except when the morning sun glinted on its edges", but became less transparent when active and was described.

Cuisses could also be made of brigandine or splinted leather, but beginning around 1340 they were typically made.

The last rays of the sun glinted off the gold brocade in the altar cloth and off the rows of thankas.

Sinhalese) who did not submit to Ariyan of Cinkainakar of foaming and resounding waters shed tears from eyes that glinted like spears and performed the.

may have a worn a lamellar cuirass over mail, and splinted greaves and vambraces on the forearms and forelegs.

Günther von Schwarzburg in splinted armour.

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