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linked genes Meaning in Telugu ( linked genes తెలుగు అంటే)

అనుసంధానించబడిన జన్యువులు, జన్యువులతో ముడిపడి ఉంది


జన్యువులతో ముడిపడి ఉంది,

linked genes's Usage Examples:

toxin-antitoxin system is a set of two or more closely linked genes that together encode both a "toxin" protein and a corresponding "antitoxin".

Many of the non-sex determining X-linked genes are responsible for abnormal conditions.

enzymes produced by X-linked genes AWAT1 and AWAT2 have been shown to esterify long chain alcohols to produce wax esters and is most predominantly expressed.

Surfeit is a human gene cluster that consists of a group of very tightly linked genes on chromosome 9 that do not share sequence similarity.

Therefore, women can be carriers of X-linked genes.

The current estimate of sequenced X-linked genes is 499, and the total, including vaguely defined traits, is 983.

(LCR) is a long-range cis-regulatory element that enhances expression of linked genes at distal chromatin sites.

They explored the phylogeny and divergence times of every major lineage, analysing the DNA sequences of 9 unlinked genes.

XY chromosomes with six groups of male-linked genes, AMH being the master switch.

All single-copy Y-linked genes are hemizygous (present on only.

"Genomic organization of the HSET locus and the possible association of HLA-linked genes with immotile cilia syndrome (ICS)".

have only a single X chromosome and therefore have only one copy of X-linked genes.

of the HSET locus and the possible association of HLA-linked genes with immotile cilia syndrome (ICS)".


gene, cistron, factor, linkage group,



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