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linear accelerator Meaning in Telugu ( linear accelerator తెలుగు అంటే)

లీనియర్ యాక్సిలరేటర్, లీనియర్ యాక్సిలేటర్


లీనియర్ యాక్సిలేటర్,

linear accelerator's Usage Examples:

needed] The cyclotron was an improvement over the linear accelerators (linacs) that were available when it was invented, being more cost- and space-effective.

radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) is a linear accelerator component generally used at low beam energies, roughly 50keV to 3MeV.

entrance of the linear accelerator (linac).

Modern linear accelerators are equipped with multileaf collimators (MLCs) which can move within the radiation field as the linac gantry.

Electrostatic accelerators are occasionally confused with linear accelerators (linacs) simply because they both accelerate particles in a straight line.

ATLAS is the first superconducting linear accelerator for heavy ions at energies in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier.

It was shown to be able to achieve 400 to 500 times higher energy transfer compared to a general linear accelerator design.

Most fast neutron therapy beams are produced by reactors, cyclotrons (d+Be) and linear accelerators.

The Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory (SAL) was a linear accelerator facility on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Megavoltage X-rays are produced by linear accelerators ("linacs") operating at voltages in excess of 1000 kV (1 MV) range, and therefore have an energy.

output from a clinical accelerator for radiation therapy such as a linear accelerator or an orthovoltage unit.

Installation of the first 4 MeV clinical linear accelerator began in June 1952 in the Medical Research Council (MRC) Radiotherapeutic.

clinical linear accelerator, Phys.


accelerator, particle accelerator, linac, atom smasher, microwave linear accelerator,


inhibitor, anticatalyst,

linear accelerator's Meaning in Other Sites