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line of descent Meaning in Telugu ( line of descent తెలుగు అంటే)

అవరోహణ రేఖ, లైన్ లైన్


లైన్ లైన్,

line of descent's Usage Examples:

populations, organisms, cells, or genes connected by a continuous line of descent from ancestor to descendant.

Hutton, his response was to claim an entirely independent, traditional line of descent, leading ultimately to the appearance of Alexandrian Wicca as an entity.

In 2001, after Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako had a daughter, Princess Takamatsu, at age 90, became the first member of the Imperial Family to publicly call for changes to the 1947 Imperial Household Law, which limits the succession to the Chrysanthemum throne to legitimate males in the male line of descent.

Haplogroups pertain to a single line of descent.

An easy line of descent can be found, north-westwards from the summit, into Gleann Choinneachain.

in the line of descent of the Barclays of Mather and Urie, a Scottish lairdship.

lineal descendant, in legal usage, is a blood relative in the direct line of descent – the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.

Amenhotep II also tried to break traditions by preventing the names of his wives from being recorded and introducing women who were not from the royal lineage into the line of descent—without success—as his designated heir was overlooked.

In genealogy, the progenitor (rarer: primogenitor; German: Stammvater or Ahnherr) is the – sometimes legendary – founder of a family, line of descent,.

This is a family tree of the main line of descent of Confucius (Chinese: 孔子世家大宗).

common ancestor of all humans in the matrilineal (mother to daughter) line of descent.

Neferure had died without leaving another heir, but there were others in line to become pharaoh, so the co-regency assured that these royal offspring with closer ties to Hatshepsut would be removed from the line of descent, and Thutmose III's chosen heir would rule.


chorus, lineup, diagonal, row, rank, formation, chorus line, rivet line, linemen,


divest, fire, unemployment, clean, idle,

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