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likeminded Meaning in Telugu ( likeminded తెలుగు అంటే)

ఇష్టపడ్డారు, మెదళ్ళు వంటివి

likeminded's Usage Examples:

It provides training and mentoring for likeminded candidates seeking selection as Labour MPs.

own Theremin Management company in 1997 to represent himself and other likeminded techno DJs and producers.

He joins forces with likeminded people to take on the evil that threatens to take over his home.

conflict states by delivering innovative projects through a network of likeminded individuals.

denomination publishes The Evangelical Methodist in conjunction with the likeminded Fundamental Methodist Church.

likeminded and as a member of the Irish Senate was praised as a defender of civil liberty, Democracy, separation of Church and State, freedom of speech, women"s.

who sat on the candidate selection panel had strategically installed likeminded candidates in nearly all winnable seats.

The M'bwebwe group is less a style of art or music than a loosely-knit group of artists from the midwest with a likeminded penchant for the Gabba Gabba Hey sensibility that could be heard emanating from the club CBGB located just behind the M'bwebwe space on Second Avenue.

September 2003, shortly before the 2004 election, the AEB merged with two likeminded parties, the Conservative Party and the Freedom Front, to form a new party.

explicit recognition of the need to participate in multiple networks of likeminded organizations (for example the Ozarks States Folklore Society), and above.

Student travelsLund was friends with Caspar David Friedrich, another student at the Academy and likeminded fellow-romanticist, and traveled with him to Dresden, Germany in 1799 to continue his studies at the Dresden Academy.

" It also refers to a loosely affiliated group of likeminded Church members who use the hashtag.

It organises petitions, endorses likeminded candidates, and runs events.

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