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liberals Meaning in Telugu ( liberals తెలుగు అంటే)

ఉదారవాదులు, ఎలైట్ మాన్


నిస్వార్థ మనిషి, ఉదారవాద మనిషి, సొగసైన మనిషి, ఎలైట్ మాన్, డాన్సర్,


ఉదారంగా, ధార్మికమైనది, ఉదారవాద, దాతృత్వం, ఉదారవాది, సొగసైన, ఎలైట్, నిస్వార్థ,

liberals's Usage Examples:

resistance were joined together, along with the communists, it also congregated socialists, republicans, Catholics, liberals and monarchists.

Edmund Burke was the leading exponent of this, although later-day liberals like Hayek have espoused similar views.

And the liberals loved it, and the conservatives gnashed their teeth".

"Who"s worse: Camille Paglia, sanctimonious liberals, or my sniveling self? (blog)".

Most liberals, New Dealers and especially the Congress of Industrial Organizations, denounced the party because in their view it was increasingly controlled by Communists.

More radical liberals attempted to revolt against the entire idea of a monarchy, constitutional or otherwise, in 1821; these republicans were suppressed, though the incident served to illustrate the frail coalition that bound the Progresista government together.

She used appeals to ideology, especially to the strong anti-Nazi sentiments of New Deal liberals who dominated the Washington scene of the Roosevelt administration in the early 1930s.

a darling of liberals, is viewed by many conservative senators as an appeaser.

The political and ecclesiastical liberals decried him as a dangerous reactionist, the unionists hated his strict Lutheranism, the representatives of pietistic.

Soon after his arrival in Australia, MacDonnell was involved in heated debate over the composition of the legislature; MacDonnell favoured a single chamber while the majority of colonists preferred a two-house system, which brought him the support of the conservatives, but united the liberals and radicals against him.

presidential primary, some conservatives derided Howard Dean's supporters as Birkenstock liberals.

Congressional liberals originally intended to secure a federal commitment to "full employment", though the conservative coalition that controlled Congress at the.


adult, grownup, armchair liberal, neoliberal, pluralist, Whig, progressive, latitudinarian, liberalist,


woman, man, emotional person, juvenile, conservative,

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