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leathernecks Meaning in Telugu ( leathernecks తెలుగు అంటే)

లెదర్నెక్స్, లెదర్నెక్

యునైటెడ్ స్టేట్స్ పైరేట్ సభ్యుడు,



leathernecks's Usage Examples:

Despite the best efforts of Halyard, his housekeeper Thelma, and Marine Colonel Reade, romance blossoms between the three girls and a trio of handsome leathernecks.


United States Marine Corps, United States Marines, military man, man, Marine Corps, devil dog, Marine, serviceman, USMC, shipboard soldier, US Marine Corps, military personnel,


civilian, volunteer, draftee, woman, juvenile,

leathernecks's Meaning in Other Sites