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lahs Meaning in Telugu ( lahs తెలుగు అంటే)

లాహ్స్, LAH

ఆరవ ఎంపిక (submaid),



lahs తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

LAHAT యాంటీ ట్యాంకు క్షిపణిని ప్రయోగించడంతో పాటు, HEAT, HESH వంటి ఇతర రౌండ్లను కూడా అర్జున్ వాడగలదు.


డిప్యూటీ కమిషనర్, LAHDC కి ముఖ్య కార్యనిర్వహణాధికారి బాధ్యత నిర్వహిస్తారు.

lahs's Usage Examples:

here in the 1980s, as did HaSOFER, a sofer stam and seller of tefillin, mezuzahs, and megillahs.

group founded in 1987 by Shaykh Uthman Abd-Aziz and several other Sunni mullahs who were all part of the non-political "Union of Religious Scholars" (Yaketi.

"Dhaka"s beleaguered rickshaw wallahs".

Harry Beitzel's 1967 Australian Football World Tour team was unofficially nicknamed the Galahs from their flashy uniform.

Through four main feeder nullahs – Picket Nalla, Kukatpally Nalla, Banjara Nalla and Balkapur Nalla – water.

Its purpose is also (as the cover claims) to "rescue dance music from the blahs.

miscellany in 1943, and translated from the French Moeurs et coutumes des fellahs by Henry Habib Ayrout (published as The Fellaheen, 1945).

"La rappeuse qui défie les mollahs".

period, when it eventually dwindled to "a settlement of shepherds and fellahs living in the remains of the ancient structures and the residential caves.

He allows the influence of the mullahs to be restored, and creates a tribunal of ulemas in Kabul to interpret.

Greg Tootell (1950–63), VAFA champion footballer; member of the first Galahs team, 1968.

This can also be seen in the word "lahs" (coral), which becomes "lahs-lahs", meaning "lots of coral".

Islamic Tariqa settlement under the leadership of Sheikh Madar and his mullahs.

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