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laccolithic Meaning in Telugu ( laccolithic తెలుగు అంటే)

లకోలిథిక్, లాకోలిథిక్

laccolithic's Usage Examples:

It is assumed to be of "laccolithic" form, from its regular contact altitude to the Breijera formation (country.

current understanding of granite pluton shape suggest that most are either laccolithic or lopolithic.

The surrounding terrain is characterized by laccolithic mountains flanked by precipitous cliffs, extensive talus aprons, forested.

Richard-Molard (1948) considered it to be the result of a laccolithic thrust.

It is squeezed laterally to form sills, laccolithic and lopolithic structures of mobile granulite at depths of c.

surrounding terrain is characterized by laccolithic mountains flanked by precipitous cliffs, extensive talus aprons, forested mesas, canyons, and spacious.

College (1965) Pollard, DD, Johnson, AM, 1973, Mechanics of growth of some laccolithic intrusions in Henry mountains, Utah .

The Devils Tower in northeastern Wyoming is a laccolithic butte composed of igneous rock rather than sandstone, limestone or other.

Other distinctive features of the Canyon Lands Section are the laccolithic mountains, like the Henry Mountains and the La Sal Mountains.

by laccolithic mountains flanked by precipitous cliffs, extensive talus aprons, forested mesas, canyons, and spacious, well-watered intermontane basins.

Devils Tower (also known as Bear Lodge Butte) is a butte, possibly laccolithic, composed of igneous rock in the Bear Lodge Ranger District of the Black.

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