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ironbark Meaning in Telugu ( ironbark తెలుగు అంటే)

ఇనుప బెరడు, రా ఇనుము


రా ఇనుము,

ironbark తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

అతని ప్రయోగం లోహంతో నీటి కలయిక ద్వారా ఇనుము నుండి ఫ్లోజిస్టన్ ను స్థానభ్రంశం చేయుటను ప్రదర్శించింది.

గ్రా ఇనుము లభిస్తాయి.

ironbark's Usage Examples:

commonly known as grey ironbark, is a species of tree that is endemic to New South Wales.

The adzed ironbark slabs of the walls are exposed in the aisles.

It has dark-coloured, deeply furrowed ironbark on the trunk and branches.

The keelson is an ironbark beam salvaged from the viaduct, at the.

length of ironbark is often used as a bug shoe on the bottom of a ship"s skeg to protect it from shipworms.

It grows in dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest, under forest red gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and broad-leaved red ironbark (E.

primarily made up of turpentine, grey ironbark, red mahogany and Sydney red gum.

It has dark-coloured, deeply furrowed ironbark on the trunk and branches, lance-shaped to curved adult leaves.

grey ironbark, narrow-leaved ironbark, white mahogany, tallowwood, forest red gum, grey gum and brush box grow in the open forests.

Eucalyptus placita, commonly known as grey ironbark or simply, ironbark, is a species of small to medium-sized tree that is endemic to New South Wales.

Box–ironbark forest is a forest or woodland ecosystem that is largely limited to central Victoria in south-eastern Australia.

The vegetation is primarily of box-ironbark forest, with prominent golden wattle and native orchids.

The keels were built in three pieces from ironbark and the keelsons (moulded 10 1/2 inch, sided 12 inch and fastened with metal bolts), were.

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