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iodide Meaning in Telugu ( iodide తెలుగు అంటే)

అయోడైడ్, యోడిడ్



iodide's Usage Examples:

Nickel iodides find some applications in homogeneous catalysis.

Besides chlorides, other anions implicated in pitting include thiosulfates (S2O32"minus;), fluorides and iodides.

The element is then dissolved in a mildly alkaline solution in the standard manner, to produce 131I as iodide and hypoiodate (which is soon reduced to iodide).

Surfacine (silver iodide) is a relatively new antimicrobial for application to surfaces.

Methyl acetate is used in place of methanol as a source of methyl iodide.

Alcohols likewise form alkyl iodides, this providing the main use for PI3.

This becomes evident secondary to elevated levels of circulating iodide.

A textbook example of a fast ion conductor is silver iodide (AgI).

Herein, alkyl iodide 28 was converted to the primary radicalintermediate 29, which underwent a 5-exo-trig cyclization to afford reactive species 30.

In everyday life, iodide is most commonly encountered as a component of iodized salt, which many governments mandate.

The hypothesis was that the silver iodide would cause.

discovered not only that the rGO acted as a co-catalyst in accelerating the triiodide reduction, but also that the microparticles and rGO had a synergistic interaction that decreased the charge transfer resistance of the overall system.

The hypothesis was that the silver iodide would cause supercooled water in the storm to freeze, disrupting the inner structure of the hurricane.


potassium iodide, halide, silver iodide, sodium iodide, hydrogen iodide,

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