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intriguing Meaning in Telugu ( intriguing తెలుగు అంటే)

రహస్య, రహస్య ప్రేమ


కుట్ర, రహస్య ప్రేమ,

intriguing తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఎందుకంటే ఆయన తన ప్రజల రహస్య ప్రేమ స్వభావాన్ని ఆకట్టుకోవడానికి క్షుద్ర శక్తులు మరియు మఠాధిపతుల గురించి ఎటువంటి వాదనలు చేయడు; తన జీవితకాలంలో ఆయనను మహా ప్రవక్త లాగా చేసే ప్రతి ప్రయత్నాన్ని గట్టిగా ప్రతిఘటించాడు.

'రోజ్ బడ్' అంటే ఆ ప్రముఖ వ్యాపారవేత్త రహస్య ప్రేమికురాలా లేదంటే అతడి అజ్ఞాత కూతురా లేకుంటే ఈ 'రోజ్ బడ్' వెనుక ఏదైనా మర్డర్ మిస్టరీ ఉందా అన్న సస్పెన్స్ తో కథ చాల స్పీడ్ గా నడుస్తుంది.

intriguing's Usage Examples:

Paul Gray of TIME called it "a winningly eccentric and intriguing first novel.

which is said to be loaded with curses and intriguing tales of betrayal, craftiness, and treachery attached to it.

Uncut gave it three stars out of five and stated that Legend introduces some intriguing new variations on the retro R"B template.

wrote, "Tighter pacing, more dimensional and compelling characters, and twistier consequences could have helped better propel this dark, semi-intriguing.

However, this mostly solid-state terminology distracts from the rich and intriguing mathematical properties of such boundary.

Rennie Sparks found intriguing because of what she called its "madness brimming under the surface of things.

which implies no omnipresence and renders the reading intriguing, with incomprehensive behaviour, mysteries, doubts and unanswered questions Serrahima, Boada.

When starting out on the work, the artist considered heavily on LTA's call for an intriguing work that would engage the community.

the Daily Express rated the book 3/5, calling it "an intriguing tale embroiling southern redneck militia and Nascar racing.

Scott labeled Knightley"s performance as "a vision of imperial British pluckiness, with an intriguing dash of romantic recklessness that surfaces toward.

Jackson was more positive towards their relationship, finding the early premise that Garnet wanted to be kidnapped by Zidane intriguing.

He openly mused, How it manages to run the gamut of cowboy movie elements without getting smart-alecky is intriguing.

Some were chosen for their undoubtable importance and applicability, others because they constitute intriguing.


challenging, provocative,


easy, unsexy, unprovocative,

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