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infusoria Meaning in Telugu ( infusoria తెలుగు అంటే)


ఇటీవలి వర్గీకరణలలో, బయోటాతో పాటు: సేంద్రీయ పదార్థాల ఉల్లంఘనను రద్దు చేయడానికి నిమిషం జీవులు,



infusoria's Usage Examples:

These pearl oysters feed on infusorians, foraminifers, radiolarians and other small planktonic organisms.

infundibuliform, infundibulum, infuse, infusion, infusive, infusoria, infusorian, interfuse, interfusion, nonfusible, nonrefundable, perfuse, perfusion.

Müller documented eight species of the genus Vibrio in his work on infusoria.

The lettuce will eventually host bacteria and infusoria upon which the fish will feed.

"Further studies on the opalinid ciliate infusorians and their hosts".

These researches had an important bearing on some of the infusorial earths used for polishing and other economic purposes; they added, moreover.

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek discovers infusoria using the microscope.

To grow infusoria for feeding just get a jam jar of pond water and run it.

detached and regarded in their original process of production, are the infusorial mass or protoplasma (Urschleim) whence all larger organisms fashion themselves.

with biological studies of the circulation of the sap in plants, the fructification of plants, infusoria etc.

In another series of experiments with the infusorians Paramecium as prey and Didinium as a predator, imitating periodical migrations.

"The opalinid infusorians: Flagellates or ciliates?".

His main research dealt with the structure of infusoria, the anatomy of annelids, the histology of earthworms, the embryology.


class Ciliophora, subclass Infusoria, class, Ciliophora, class Ciliata, Ciliata, infusorian,



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