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humdinger Meaning in Telugu ( humdinger తెలుగు అంటే)

మంచి లేదా మంచి వ్యక్తి

విశేషమైన శ్రేష్టత,


మంచి లేదా మంచి వ్యక్తి,

humdinger's Usage Examples:

ReceptionThe Final Reckoning was called a humdinger of a tale by Sally Estes of Booklist, with a poignant denouement that will satisfy the trilogy's fans.

Times, praised the "humdinger of a Bond story, so cunningly crafted and thrillingly paced that 007"s creator would have been happy to have owned it", and.

She"s a humdinger" In the album version on The Freewheelin" Bob Dylan, the verse is: "Oh.

popular with the Florida student body, and the "Humdinger Song" (including the lyric "Hunsinger is a humdinger") was written by a pair of Alabama sports writers.

Moe Howard once called Three Little Pigskins "a humdinger of bangs and bruises," as it marked the first time the Stooges flatly.


nonpareil, paragon, nonsuch, nonesuch, saint, apotheosis, ideal,


comparable, bad person, imperfect, concrete,

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