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gently Meaning in Telugu ( gently తెలుగు అంటే)

శాంతముగా, తక్కువ వాయిస్


నెమ్మదిగా, తక్కువ వాయిస్, మెత్తగా, కొద్దిగా,

gently's Usage Examples:

comprising the last slope surfaces are slopes 0-3% (level to very gently sloping) with land area of 7.

Personnel entry: gently descending from the entry, one JM/AC37 embrasure, one JM embrasure, and two GFM cloches.

There are different types of water plants, such as water chestnut and floating moss, can be found in downstream areas where the waters flow by gently.

reddish hair, a strong American accent, an artificial foot, and an imperturbable temper; she took risks often but intelligently.

Further, more controlled studies are urgently needed to tease apart these issues of cause and effect.

anaesthetic, the corneal layer may be gently removed with a fine needle, cauterised (heat or laser) or "spot welding" attempted (again with lasers).

1828 by Richard Lalor Sheil describes the heath as a "gently sloping amphitheatrical declivity" and still, in the 19th century, the principal venue in the.

Herzl believed that Jews, hitherto stigmatized as a rootless, wandering people, urgently needed to get in touch with the soil and develop the agricultural skills that centuries of restrictions in Europe had kept from them.

too-convenient ending, this first novel introduces an admirable heroine and pungently evokes a largely unfamiliar setting.

general epithet for Jews who partake in modern secular society and are not stringently religious Nonreligious Jews, including nonaffiliated, agnostics etc.

In 1403 he urgently besought the council to reinforce the scanty garrisons of the border fortresses.

Foundation of Asia is press to look beyond national borders and speak intelligently to complex issues of regional change and development of Asia.

gently sloping farmland with hay and pasture fields and woodlots on the steeper slopes.




thickly, forte, loudly,

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