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freemartin Meaning in Telugu ( freemartin తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫ్రీమార్టిన్, ఫ్రీమాటిన్

freemartin's Usage Examples:

a bull usually becomes an infertile partial intersex, and is called a freemartin.

freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an infertile female mammal with masculinized behavior and non-functioning ovaries.

partially masculinize the heifer (female), creating a martin heifer or freemartin.

The phenomenon of the freemartin, a female bovine that is behaviorally masculine and lacks functioning.

Heinlein novel Beyond This Horizon lists "the clever and repulsively beautiful pseudo-feminine freemartins" as one of the genetically-engineered.

In Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, a lithely built human woman uses the term "freemartin" to describe herself, while.

Commercial probes are available to check heifers for obvious freemartinism in lieu of doing a blood test A freemartin is.

The male hormones (testosterone and anti-Müllerian hormone) then masculinize the female twin, and the result is a freemartin.

A freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an infertile female mammal with masculinized behavior and non-functioning ovaries.

is the twin of a bull becomes partially masculinized and is known as a freemartin.

number of the females that were accompanied by a male fetus in utero are freemartins (female animals that are behaviorally masculine and lack functioning.

The external phenotype and reproductive behavior of 21 freemartin sheep and two male pseudohermaphrodite sheep were recorded with the aim.

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