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frazzle Meaning in Telugu ( frazzle తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫ్రాజిల్, వధిలించుకో



frazzle's Usage Examples:

landscape the writer has witnessed from train or plane—they played high frazzles, then low drones, chucked in some steam engine samples, then did some drumming—with.

Canonized cluster of words on the dazzle, Words that have Emerson smashed to a frazzle "Commodores Draw with the Blue" "Vanderbilt Equal For Yale".

The ensuing loud explosion leaves Granny frazzled and Sylvester launched up like a rocket.

the gene frazzled in order to separate neuroblasts during embryonic development.

Mallet describes him as frazzled.

Fitzgerald to kick to a frazzle the many variegated velours that are tossed in the ring of the coming municipal.

Rob, the middleman, is often frazzled from dealing with them, or more specifically, from dealing with Bucky"s.

album"s rockiest moment; the seven-minute "Freezing Point" which features frazzled Loop-like repetition and caustic guitars at its final coda, brings things.

"NU changes failed to frazzle Kalu".

Windmills", shows a more ambient side to the band, whilst the album"s rockiest moment; the seven-minute "Freezing Point" which features frazzled Loop-like.

allow your neurons to be frazzled".

Engrailed is a transcription factor that helps regulate the gene frazzled in order to separate neuroblasts during embryonic development.

A month later, Robbie happily acts as a member of the household, which frazzles Annie: Robbie is Eric"s latest project, Ruthie"s new best friend, recipient.


fray, wear out, wear, bust, break, fall apart,


enliven, repair, promote, begin, explode,

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