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fomites Meaning in Telugu ( fomites తెలుగు అంటే)

క్రిములను వ్యాపింపజేసే వస్తువులు

ఏదైనా కాని జీవన వస్తువు (ఒక టవల్ లేదా డబ్బు లేదా వస్త్రం లేదా వంటకాలు లేదా పుస్తకాలు లేదా బొమ్మలు మొదలైనవి.,

fomites's Usage Examples:

, fomites) and the slang dictionary (e.

port of arrival whether it is likely that the ship is carrying a contagious disease, either literally on-board as fomites or via its crewmen or passengers.

stages that are excreted in feces or through inhalation of coughed on fomites and are capable of transmission to a new host.

is transmitted via direct contact, bodily secretions and contaminated fomites, with the virus being able to persist in the environment for more than.

It can also be indirectly spread by fomites.

concerns the spread of a virus transmitted by respiratory droplets and fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health officials to identify.

the ship is carrying a contagious disease, either literally on-board as fomites or via its crewmen or passengers.

spread from human to human by both droplet respiration and contact with fomites from an infected person"s bodily fluids.

where they continue to dry, leaving potentially infectious residues called fomites.

contaminated water; recent evidence suggests that it can also be transmitted via fomites contaminated with respiratory secretions.

idea, and scientists such as Girolamo Fracastoro (who had the idea that fomites could harbor the seeds of contagion), Agostino Bassi (who discovered that.

as food, water, blood and fomites can act as passive transmission points between reservoirs and susceptible hosts.

with Cryptosporidium, which may have been acquired by inhalation of expectorated droplets or by contact with fomites.


physical object, vehicle, object,



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