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folklorists Meaning in Telugu ( folklorists తెలుగు అంటే)

జానపద రచయితలు, స్థానికవాది

folklorists's Usage Examples:

In addition to professors, members include public folklorists, arts administrators, freelance researchers, librarians, museum curators, and others involved in the study and promotion of folklore and traditional culture.

In the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, a tool used by folklorists, the phoenix is classified as motif B32.

folklorists have interpreted the tales" significance, but no school has been definitively established for the meaning of the tales.

sophistication of folklore studies and folklorists had grown both in Europe and North America.

Whereas European folklorists remained focused on the oral folklore.

Some folklorists prefer.

Botkin Prize is awarded annually to honor public folklorists and recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of public folklore.

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