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flush it Meaning in Telugu ( flush it తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫ్లష్ ఐటి, దీన్ని ఫ్లష్ చేయండి


దీన్ని ఫ్లష్ చేయండి,

flush it's Usage Examples:

hip-hop, blues, soulful backing vocals and chants" and advised readers to "flush it".

dogs, and more likely to kill their quarry outright rather than simply flush it from its burrow.

They flush it down the toilet just in time to misdirect Riley and his team.

person to squeeze out, Noah decides to sneak on board with half the dye and flush it from a different toilet.

toilet that disposes of human waste (urine and feces) by using water to flush it through a drainpipe to another location for disposal, thus maintaining.

that it cannot use the power rings of those it possesses, Sinestro depressurizes the ship to flush it into the open, as green lantern power rings protect.

If the bronchoscope is not sterile, saline should initially be used to flush it clean.

When game is found, they kill and retrieve it, or flush it towards the hunter to be shot.

in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA The only way to fix it is to flush it all away Any fucking time, any fucking day Learn to swim, I"ll see you.

Presents: Mat Hoffman"s Tribute to Evel Knievel, describing how he had to flush it twice daily.


fail, bomb, flunk,


pass, succeed, function, stay,

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