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flavones Meaning in Telugu ( flavones తెలుగు అంటే)

రుచులు, ఫ్లేవోన్

అనేక తెలుపు లేదా పసుపు మొక్కల రంగులలో భాగమైన రంగులేని స్ఫటికాకార సమ్మేళనం,



flavones's Usage Examples:

Glycitein is a phytoestrogen with weak estrogenic activity, comparable to that of the other soy isoflavones.

"Benzodiazepine binding site-interactive flavones from Scutellaria baicalensis root".

flavones: Allan–Robinson reaction Auwers synthesis Baker–Venkataraman rearrangement Algar–Flynn–Oyamada reaction Another method is the dehydrative cyclization.

Plants use isoflavones and their derivatives as phytoalexin compounds to ward off disease-causing pathogenic fungi and other microbes.

Isoflavones are also found in foods of animal origin such as dairy products, meat, eggs and seafood, but the overall contribution to total intake is low.

OccurrenceMost members of the family Fabaceae contain significant quantities of isoflavones.

Dietary isoflavones increase IGF production in scalp dermal papillae in transgenic mice.

Isoflavones are produced via a branch of the general phenylpropanoid pathway that produces flavonoid compounds in higher plants.

Although isoflavones and closely related phytoestrogens are sold as dietary supplements, there is little scientific evidence for either the safety of long-term supplementation or of health benefits from these compounds.

Organic chemistry and biosynthesisIsoflavones of nutritional interest are substituted derivatives of isoflavone, being related to the parent by the replacement of two or three hydrogen atoms with hydroxyl groups.

Soybeans are the most common source of isoflavones in human food; the major isoflavones in soybean are genistein and daidzein.

Isoflavones are produced almost exclusively by the members of the bean family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae).

Other dietary sources of isoflavones include chick pea (biochanin A), alfalfa (formononetin), and peanut (genistein).


chemical compound, compound,


smooth, rough, simple,

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