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fern family Meaning in Telugu ( fern family తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫెర్న్ కుటుంబం, ఫెర్న్ ఫ్యామిలీ


ఫెర్న్ ఫ్యామిలీ,

fern family's Usage Examples:

Elaphoglossoideae is a subfamily of the fern family Dryopteridaceae.

Pteridoideae is one of the five subfamilies of the fern family Pteridaceae.

It is the only fern family of the order Osmundales.

Rumohra adiantiformis, the leather fern or leatherleaf fern, is a species of fern in the wood fern family Dryopteridaceae.

Vittarioideae is a subfamily of the fern family Pteridaceae, in the order Polypodiales.

Grammitidoideae is a subfamily of the fern family Polypodiaceae, whose members are informally known as grammitids.

Calochlaena dubia, commonly known as soft bracken, false bracken, common ground fern or rainbow fern, is a small Australian fern in the treefern family.

fern species, Doodia kunthiana Gaudichaud, which is a member of the fern family Blechnaceae, is named after him.

used for other species), is a twinsorus fern in the wood fern family of polypod ferns.

Parkerioideae, synonym Ceratopteridoideae, is one of the five subfamilies in the fern family Pteridaceae.

Danaea is a fern genus of approximately 50 species in the eusporangiate fern family Marattiaceae.

Cheilanthoideae is one of the five subfamilies of the fern family Pteridaceae.

Microsoroideae is a subfamily in the fern family Polypodiaceae in the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I).


quillwort family, family Dicksoniaceae, Adiantaceae, family Cyatheaceae, family Vittariaceae, Lepidodendraceae, family Schizaeaceae, family Isoetaceae, Polypodiaceae, Davalliaceae, Marattiaceae, family Selaginellaceae, Pteridophyta, family Dennstaedtiaceae, Dicksoniaceae, division Pteridophyta, family Parkeriaceae, Gleicheniaceae, family Blechnaceae, family Oleandraceae, Cyatheaceae, family Salviniaceae, Selaginellaceae, family Ophioglossaceae, Salviniaceae, Azollaceae, family Dryopteridaceae, Psilotaceae, Ophioglossaceae, family Psilotaceae, family Adiantaceae, Athyriaceae, family Thelypteridaceae, family Rhyniaceae, Lomariopsidaceae, family Marattiaceae, family Pteridaceae, Marsileaceae, family Gleicheniaceae, Loxomataceae, Dryopteridaceae, family Psilophytaceae, Osmundaceae, clubmoss family, family Azollaceae, Aspleniaceae, family Lophosoriaceae, family Hymenophyllaceae, family Marsileaceae, Schizaeaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Lophosoriaceae, horsetail family, Blechnaceae, family Aspleniaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, family Cryptogrammataceae, family Lomariopsidaceae, family Osmundaceae, Parkeriaceae, family Athyriaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, family Equisetaceae, Isoetaceae, family, Cryptogrammataceae, Pteridaceae, Vittariaceae, family Polypodiaceae, family Loxomataceae, family Davalliaceae, family Lycopodiaceae, Rhyniaceae, Psilophytaceae, Equisetaceae, family Lepidodendraceae, Oleandraceae,


parent, child,

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