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fellahs Meaning in Telugu ( fellahs తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫెల్లాస్, మిస్టరీ ఫార్మర్

అరబ్ దేశాలలో వ్యవసాయ కార్మికుడు,


మిస్టరీ ఫార్మర్,

fellahs's Usage Examples:

A few Musselmans live among them, and a few fellahs of a Bedouin tribe which wanders about in the neighborhood are frequently.

concluded that Jewish immigration to Palestine was taking land from the Arab fellahs; sales of land to Jewish settlers should in future be restricted, and Arab.

the Aragonese Kingdom of Valencia), where thousands of Valencian Muslim fellahs took up arms against the decree of forced conversion issued that very year.

period, when it eventually dwindled to "a settlement of shepherds and fellahs living in the remains of the ancient structures and the residential caves.

332 Henry Habib Ayrout, Moeurs et coutumes des fellahs, Paris: Payot, 1938.

He became known as the peintre des fellahs (painter of fellahs).

perhaps dating back to the earliest antiquity, and which the present fellahs still use to beat their barley or wheat.

miscellany in 1943, and translated from the French Moeurs et coutumes des fellahs by Henry Habib Ayrout (published as The Fellaheen, 1945).

first published in France, in 1938, under the title Moeurs et coutumes des fellahs.

A group of Egyptian fellahs picking cotton by hand Hand picking cotton (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) A module.

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