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fauvists Meaning in Telugu ( fauvists తెలుగు అంటే)


ఫాన్డెస్ కట్టుబడి ఉన్న ఫ్రెంచ్ చిత్రకారుల సమూహం యొక్క సభ్యుడు,

fauvists తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

of the above in English Wikipedia.

to Accompany Me (1994).

of them are members of the UN:.

fauvists's Usage Examples:

revolutionized light, so did the fauvists rethink color, painting their canvases in bright, wild hues.

incorporates his Portuguese roots along with influences of great French fauvists and California impressionists.

Jean Metzinger, Fernand Léger and Robert Delaunay and after absorbing fauvists" and cubists" principles, developed his own unique colorful style of painting.

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