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fashionable Meaning in Telugu ( fashionable తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫ్యాషన్, చవకయైన


ఫ్యాషన్, ఇష్టమైన మానసిక స్థితి, బన్నానా, చవకయైన,

fashionable's Usage Examples:

She is beautiful, fashionable, a straight-A student and a cheerleader.

She is renowned by all for her fashionable ways.

[citation needed] The video shows a depiction of the 1970s, in which large afros and platform shoes were considered fashionable.

She was stylish and known for wearing clothes made from the fashionable prints designed by the Pre-Raphaelites.

factorial, factory, factotum, factual, facture, facultative, faculty, faitour, fashion, fashionable, feasibility, feasible, feasance, feat, feature,.

A bycocket or bycoket is a style of hat that was fashionable for both men and women in Western Europe from the 13th to the 16th century.

He therefore tended to use subjects and environments that were close at hand – landscapes, fashionable Edinburgh New Town house interiors, still life and figures in both oil and watercolour.

Though it was a fashionable style, five ball spadroons only account for a small amount of spadroons found in the period they were used.

Buck: Sarah Kent has been an energetic chronicler of the contemporary, hoofing off to the most obscure and inaccessible venues long before it became fashionable.

It remained fashionable for some Parisian ladies around 1800, wearing ones made of muslin or.

Gist remodeled the house, adding two-tiered back and front porches and stuccoing the brick in order to transform the exterior into the more fashionable.

orchids and over 500 varieties of roses, long before hybrid tea roses and perpetuals were fashionable.

When asked why they were dressed as pirates, Sykes responded: You know, now there are so many album covers with shiny photos of fashionable clothes; better pirate clothes then! Sykes also decided to dedicate the album to Phil Lynott to remind people what he meant to him as a person and a musician.


cool, in style, mod, latest, dashing, faddy, swank, voguish, stylish, spruce, up-to-date, jaunty, trend-setting, a la mode, swanky, rakish, snappy, spiffy, quaint, trendsetting, in vogue, with-it, cutting-edge, old-time, modern, modish, dapper, olde worlde, raffish, trendy, in, swagger, modernistic, faddish, natty, groovy,


unsuccessful, outgoing, ride, bad, unfashionable,

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