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excited Meaning in Telugu ( excited తెలుగు అంటే)

ఉత్సాహంగా, ప్రేరణలో


సంతోషిస్తున్నాము, సిగ్గులేని, ప్రేరణలో,

excited తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఈ ఐరనుకోరును పైకి, క్రిందకు కదిలించడం వలన ప్రధాన, గౌణవేష్టణములమధ్య్హ ఏర్పడు విద్యుదయస్కాంత ప్రేరణలో ఎచ్చుతగ్గులు కలిగి, గౌణవేష్టణమునుండి వచ్చునిర్గమ వొల్టెజి కూడా పెరగడం, తగ్గడం జరుగుతుంది.

excited's Usage Examples:

Yet he was excited to learn of unfamiliar theologians, controversies and biblical study methodologies.

now including some configurations with higher excitations (triply and quadruply in MRCISD); b) the neglect of other dominant configurations of the excited.

Collisions with other molecules cause the excited molecule to lose vibrational energy until.

unloading of the women convicts, Betty Thackery left the ship Charlotte and excitedly jumped from her longboat to the beach before anyone else on the western.

needed] molecule, raising it to an excited state from which it will then fluoresce.

In atomic physics, higher n sometimes occur for description of excited states.

If this occurs, the ion receiving the energy will be excited to a higher energy state than that already achieved by absorption of a.

In an undated letter to Crowley (received in 1917), Reuss reported excitedly that he had read The Message of the Master Therion to a gathering at Monte Verità, and that he was translating The Book of the Law into German.

The L–4s made three round trips to ferry the 1/187th platoon to the Buri airstrip, where they were met by a very excited group of disorganized service and air corps troops.

Hungover and unexcited about the upcoming visit, Herr Lehmann makes his way to a nearby pub and.

Hertha fans, however, threw firecrackers at the field and the players, and one minute before the match ended, overexcited Fortuna fans stormed the field.

physicists: the deeper we seek, the more is our wonder excited, the more is the dazzlement of our gaze.

Here, he aimed to rationalize the shapes adopted by polyatomic molecules in the ground state as well as in excited states, by applying.


emotional, worked up, aroused, agitated,


steady, composed, quiet, relaxed, unagitated,

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