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excises Meaning in Telugu ( excises తెలుగు అంటే)

ఎక్సైజ్‌లు, చంకి

వ్యాపారం మొత్తం ద్వారా కొలుస్తారు ఒక పన్ను (ఆస్తి లేదా రియల్ ఎస్టేట్ నుండి ఆదాయం కాదు,


చంకి, ఉత్పత్తి రుసుము,


ఆఫ్, కోత, ఎక్సిషన్,

excises తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

అమర్ సింగ్ చంకిలా, సింగర్.

excises's Usage Examples:

Bataknese father and mom, Abdul Hakim Harahap was employed in the customs and excises office after finishing his studies at the Prins Hendrikschool.

value-added-tax (VAT) and a limited number of excises on traditional excisable goods and luxury items, simplifying the customs duties by reducing the.

including the power to lay and collect "taxes, duties, imposts, and excises" (provided duties, imposts, and excises are uniform throughout the US), "to provide.

lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare.

would-be predator approaches the lure, the shark attaches itself using its suctorial lips and specialized pharynx and neatly excises a chunk of flesh using.

excinuclease or UV-specific endonuclease, is a nuclease (enzyme) which excises a fragment of nucleotides during DNA repair.

recognized, DNA polymerase reverses its direction by one base pair of DNA and excises the mismatched base.

(reference point now an extraneous value rather than correct or incorrect value) so that all of its attributes are non-extraneous; it also excises attributes.


delete, cancel, scratch, strike, expunge,


gladden, lose, defend, roughen, stand still,

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