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equus Meaning in Telugu ( equus తెలుగు అంటే)

ఈక్వస్, అకావ్స్

అమర్చిన జాతిని టైప్ చేయండి: కుటుంబం మాత్రమే కలిగి ఉన్నది,



equus's Usage Examples:

horseback riding, derived from Latin equester and equus, "horse".

An equestrian statue is a statue of a rider mounted on a horse, from the Latin eques, meaning "knight", deriving from equus, meaning "horse".

Optio equitum: optio in the legionary or Praetorian cavalry (equushorse).

Torchivirus A Toros phlebovirus Torque teno canis virus Torque teno douroucouli virus Torque teno equus virus 1 Torque teno felis virus Torque teno felis.

Species of Tequus feed on potatoes in Peru and Bolivia, Cerospastus volupis defoliates Nothofagus in Chile and Argentina.

comBiography, equusonbroadway.

ensiform equus equ- horse equestrian, equine eruca eruc- caterpillar eruciform exterus • exterior • extremus exter- • exterior- • extrem- • outer • outmost.

Equator, equilibrium, equinox, equipoise, equity, equivalence, equivocal, equivocate, iniquity equ- horse Latin equus equestrian ere- row Greek ἐρέσσειν (eréssein).

Augustine as "pedissequus et breviator Matthaei", the attendant and abbreviator of Matthew, in direct contrast to the view most commonly held in academia.

Species of Tequus feed on potatoes in Peru and Bolivia, Cerospastus volupis defoliates Nothofagus in Chile and Argentina, a large number of species defoliate.

men-at-arms should be mounted on equus coopertus, that is armoured, or barded, horses.

Equestrianism (from Latin equester, equestr-, equus, "horseman", "horse"), commonly known as horse riding (British English) or horseback riding (American English).

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