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epiphyses Meaning in Telugu ( epiphyses తెలుగు అంటే)

ఎపిఫైసెస్, ఎపిఫిసిస్

సుదీర్ఘ ఎముక ముగింపు; ప్రారంభంలో, ప్రధాన ఎముక మృదులాస్థి యొక్క పొర నుండి వేరు చేయబడినది, చివరికి భాగాలను తుడిచివేస్తుంది,

epiphyses's Usage Examples:

Sclerosis of epiphyses, diaphyses, and metaphyses with increased radiolucency are key characteristics of.

progressive spastic paraplegia, skeletal anomalies of the hands and feet with brachydactyly type E, cone-shaped epiphyses, abnormal metaphyseal–phalangeal pattern.

epiphyses and widened femoral necks with flattened femoral heads), enchondromata and ecchondromata.

disorder known as rachitis fetalis anularis the ends of the long bones (epiphyses) are enlarged.

In contrast, secondary ossification centers appear later at the epiphyses of the cartilage and develop similarly to the diaphysis.

with brachydactyly type E, cone-shaped epiphyses, abnormal metaphyseal–phalangeal pattern profile, sternal anomaly (pectus carinatum or excavatum), dysarthria.

bones of the spine (spondylo-) and two regions near the ends of bones (epiphyses and metaphyses).

sparse scalp hair, thin nails, pear-shaped broad nose, and cone-shaped epiphyses of the middle phalanges of some fingers and toes.

the abnormal development and premature fusion of the regions where the diaphyses, of certain long bones, meet their epiphyses.

described by Erich Conradi (1882–1968), that share the features of stippled epiphyses and skeletal changes.

Pressure epiphyses assist in transmitting the weight of the human body and are the regions.

retarded ossification and abnormal modeling of bones especially of the epiphyses, the hands, and feet.

categorized as a long bone and is as such composed of a diaphysis and two epiphyses.


os longum, long bone,



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