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entozoa Meaning in Telugu ( entozoa తెలుగు అంటే)

ఎంటోజోవా, అంటోజోజో

జంతువుల అంతర్గత అవయవాలు (ముఖ్యంగా ప్రేగుల కీటకాలు),

entozoa's Usage Examples:

years in looking for in hay and cheese; he had written five volumes on the entozoa of the pig, and two volumes of lectures, as a corollary to these, on the.

echinoderms may fit well into the chosen scheme, it did not apply "to the entozoa, zoophyta, and infusoria, which constitute by much the greatest portion.

McDougall, in 1864, experimented with his solution to remove entozoa parasites from cattle pasturing on a sewage farm.

may fit well into the chosen scheme, it did not apply "to the entozoa, zoophyta, and infusoria, which constitute by much the greatest portion of this division.

entozoology The study of entozoa, a type of microscopic parasitic worm.

, 1914 A survey of the intestinal entozoa, both protozoal and helminthic, observed among natives in Johannesburg.

under the skin, which he termed "Cysteocercus temerae" and classified as "entozoa" (an obsolete grouping that included acanthocephalans, trematodes, cestodes.




Lord of Misrule, question master,

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