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enervation Meaning in Telugu ( enervation తెలుగు అంటే)

ఉద్వేగం, డిష్రోనర్

జీవిత శక్తి లేకపోవడం,


డిష్రోనర్, బలహీనత,

enervation's Usage Examples:

pronephros, protonephridium nerv- sinew, nerve Latin nervus enervate, enervation, enervative, innervate, innervation, nerval, nervate, nerve, nervose, nervosity.

wrote that the film "suffers from the same issue as its moody androids: enervation borne out of repetition.

If the nerves lost to denervation are part of the neuronal communication to a specific.

which Reid hit exactly 100 before stumbling from the field in pallid enervation.

Acrodont teeth exhibit limited connection to the dentary and have little enervation.

The affected pupil is thus miotic and the pupillary dilator responds to denervation by increasing α1 receptors.

observed that heart rate increased when venous pressure rose high enough to distend the right atrium, but denervation of the vagi to the heart eliminated these.

of supersensitivity to various amines in the nictitating membrane of the pithed cat after denervation or decentralization.

Curtis-Hall has caught the bottom-feeder enervation of heroin addiction.

This type of denervation is often used in experimental studies on neuronal physiology and neuronal death or survival as a method to better understand nervous system diseases.

Moreover, the differences in enervation of these patches suggest that the osphradium (as a patch enervated from.

protonephridium nerv- sinew, nerve Latin nervus enervate, enervation, enervative, innervate, innervation, nerval, nervate, nerve, nervose, nervosity, nervous.

Electromyography (EMG) performed 2 to 4 weeks later shows fibrillations and denervation potentials in musculature distal to the injury site.




strength, invulnerability,

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