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dogbane Meaning in Telugu ( dogbane తెలుగు అంటే)

కుక్కబాన్, డాగ్బేన్

జీనస్ Unkhinam యొక్క అనేక విష శాశ్వత మొక్కలు ఏవీ లేవు ఒక పాలు ఆకారంలో తెలుపు లేదా గులాబీ పువ్వులు మరియు చాలా చేదు రూట్,

dogbane's Usage Examples:

Cycnia tenera, the dogbane tiger moth or delicate cycnia, is a moth in the family Erebidae.

spreading dogbane, Venus" looking-glass, viper"s bugloss, wintercress, yellow sweet clover) 8.

Hyles chamyla, the dogbane hawkmoth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae.

milkweed, dock, downy brome grass, evening lychnis, milk snake, mullein, pennycress, peppergrass, reed canary grass, spiderwort, spreading dogbane, Venus".

Adults feed on nectar from marigold, knotweed, spearmint, wild marjoram, cucumber, dogbane, white sweet clover, and white clover.

trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, commonly known as the dogbane family, because some taxa were used as dog poison.

Vinca minor (common names lesser periwinkle or dwarf periwinkle) is a species of flowering plant in the dogbane family, native to central and southern.

intermediate dogbane, is a member of the family Apocynaceae.

Adults find nectar from a great variety of flowers including dogbane, swamp milkweed, shepherd"s needle, asters, and winter cress.

The coral hairstreak is frequently seen visiting butterfly weed, but also uses New Jersey tea, dogbane and sulphur flower as nectar.

thyoides) and adults consume nectar from flowers including swamp milkweed, shadbush, sand myrtle, sweet pepperbush, highbush blueberry, buttonbush, and dogbane.

flower nectar from various flowers, including dogbane, marjoram, oxalis, white clover, common milkweed, peppermint, cucumber and melon.

Asclepias speciosa is a milky-sapped perennial plant in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae), known commonly as the showy milkweed, and is found in the Western.

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