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dodecasyllabic Meaning in Telugu ( dodecasyllabic తెలుగు అంటే)

ద్విపద, పది అక్షరం


పది అక్షరం,

dodecasyllabic's Usage Examples:

The poem contains 2126 dodecasyllabic lines, with caesurae after the sixth syllable, composed in six books.

The structure is rendered dodecasyllabic quatrains.

his productions are in verse, the greater part in dodecasyllabic iambic trimeters, the remainder in the fifteen-syllable "political" measure.

The poem contains 2126 dodecasyllabic lines, with caesurae after the sixth syllable, composed in six books (libar).

from two to twelve are known, but the metres most used in hymnody are dodecasyllabic verses of twelve syllables formed of three equal measures (4+4+4), heptasyllabic.

Three dodecasyllabic poems on the fall of Edessa in 1144 have been attributed to Basil.

dodecasyllabic metre, it is a guide for monks and hermits seeking the "haven of impassibility".

(dṓdeka) dodecagon, dodecahedron, Dodecanese, dodecaphony, dodecastyle, dodecasyllabic, hemidodecahedron dog-, dox- opinion, tenet Greek δοκεῖν (dokeîn) "to.

unimportant exception, his productions are in verse, the greater part in dodecasyllabic iambic trimeters, the remainder in the fifteen-syllable "political".

Racine"s plays displayed his mastery of the dodecasyllabic (12 syllable) French alexandrine.

Laura sa Kaharian ng Albanya, an awit (metrical narrative poem with dodecasyllabic quatrains [12 syllables per line, 4 lines per stanza]); Balagtas" masterpiece.

the karagatan (a sung debate where each lines of the verse must be dodecasyllabic.

state - Vidulić"s poem in Croatian, Ako mi ne daš lik, composed in six dodecasyllabic quatrains, is the proof of the existence of troubadour-Petrarchan school.

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