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dirt Meaning in Telugu ( dirt తెలుగు అంటే)

దుమ్ము, కొంటె


స్టూల్, ట్రాష్, మట్టి, దుమ్మురాయి, చియా, తోట, భూమిపై, దుమ్ము, మాల్, గాంధీ, మిలే, కొంటె,

dirt తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

అలా కొంటెకాపురం సినిమాతో రచయిత అయ్యాడు.

వాగు ఓ కొంటెవాగు కాస్తా ఆగు ఈ వేగాలు (రచన: దేవులపల్లి, గానం: ఘంటసాల, పి.

కొంటెగాణ్ణి కట్టుకో- జెంటిల్‍మ్యాన్ సినిమాలో - ఏ ఆర్ రెహ్మాన్ సంగీతం.

కొంటె చూపుల చిలకమ్మా నీ జంట నేనే - ఎస్.

గోకులకృష్ణా నీకేల ఈ కొంటెతనాలు మర్మము ఎరుగని మనసులతో - వాణి జయరాం.

కన్నె గోదారిలా కొంటె కావేరిలా.

నువ్వు కొంటె చూపు చూస్తుంటే చలీ చలీ అనే పాట ఎన్.

వయసు మళ్ళిన బుల్లోడా కొంటెచూపుల కుర్రోడా లవ్ లవ్ అంటే నవ్వుతా - సుశీల.

కొలుసు కొంటె కట్టాలు తీరుస్తాడంట.

నమ్ముకొంటె నీడలా ఉంటాడంట.

కొంటెమొగుడు పెంకిపెళ్ళాం (1980).

రౌడీ రాముడు కొంటె కృష్ణుడు (1980).

రౌడీ రాముడు కొంటె కృష్ణుడు (1980).

dirt's Usage Examples:

The infield is a rigidly structured diamond of dirt containing the three bases, home plate, and the pitchers mound.

Analysis and receptionFolk singer Pete Seeger interpreted the line Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison as referring to when a young person suddenly wants to leave his home, but then qualified that by saying, People are wrong when they say 'I know what he means.

intend to sit down and write a real Stones song - you know, "Blechhh! You cruddy piece of shit, you dirty old scrub box!" But obviously, that"s not the way.

Turtle Reams was built by first creating a mound of dirt in the desired shape of the shell, an ellipsoidal section long, wide and high.

delivers an xenophobic speech in a courtroom where he says "I"ll tell you, a danged, dirty foreigner can crowd an American just so far-just so far!", leading.

Samson wrenched the coat off him; wrenched the dirty linen from his jaw: the jaw fell powerless, there.

end to the Alberta oil sands, which Hudema called "one of the dirtiest, oiliest projects in the world".

place") saisie saisine saisissable saisissant saisissement saisissable "seizable" insaisissable sale "dirty" ( < Gmc, cf OHG salo "dull, sallow, dirty").

While there is a surfaced road to Medan, other roads tend to be unsurfaced or dirt tracks.

Tour events, the last in 1989, but in November 1991 he was involved in a dirt bike accident that threatened to end his career.

The Hercules used to build the mine apparently worked fine on the original dirt strip, and it did so until the runway was upgraded.

Martin Popoff praised the album where the band "pre-dispose of Purple, thwack the face of Hendrix, and generally pound psychedelia into the dirt" and.

Washboarding or corrugation is the formation of periodic, transverse ripples in the surface of gravel and dirt roads.


caliche, podsol soil, mud, laterite, loam, alluvial soil, residual soil, till, humus, regosol, surface soil, podsol, subsoil, desert soil, podzol soil, topsoil, podsolic soil, desertic soil, silt, mold, boulder clay, podzol, gilgai soil, clay, indurated clay, marl, clunch, gumbo soil, earth, tundra soil, mould, ground, bole, Indian red, sand, hardpan, undersoil, wiesenboden, loess, fuller"s earth, sedimentary clay, soil, prairie soil, bog soil, residual clay, gumbo,


praise, uncover, purity, sanitariness, elation,

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