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diptych Meaning in Telugu ( diptych తెలుగు అంటే)

డిప్టిచ్, ఒక పుస్తకం వలె మూసివేయబడే రెండు చిన్న పేజీలతో తయారు చేయబడిన చిత్రం

ఒక పెయింటింగ్ లేదా శిల్పం (ముఖ్యంగా ఒక valpres,


ఒక పుస్తకం వలె మూసివేయబడే రెండు చిన్న పేజీలతో తయారు చేయబడిన చిత్రం, రెండు మూలికలు దీని మైనపు లోపల మరియు పురాతన కాలంలో వ్రాయడానికి ఉపయోగించారు, డిప్టిచ్,

diptych's Usage Examples:

"Fatherhood/Motherhood" was the first complete piece of work that the band were happy to bequeath to the world, and was also be accompanied by a two-party diptych videos.

Peter's Church the workmen were busy at the long rows of new altars, affixing to the stone diptychs the brass-forged names of those who had already fulfilled their vows and gained their crowns.

He argues that Midas and Proserpine are "a mythological diptych that indites on stage the forces of oppression".

Art historian Dirk de Vos describes the diptych as a "monastically inspired devotional painting" whose composition was "largely determined.

of an idyllic photo-mural diptych, which faces a large prefabricated wall unit, this in turn supporting a row of mirror panels at shoulder height.

typically focused on a single subject for sustained periods, often in triptych or diptych formats.

In Late Antiquity, a consular diptych was a type of diptych intended as a de-luxe commemorative object.

The sonnet continues Sonnet 5, thus forming a diptych.

The Barberini ivory is a Byzantine ivory leaf from an imperial diptych dating from Late Antiquity, now in the Louvre in Paris.

For example, the standard notebook and school exercise book of the ancient world was a diptych consisting of a pair of such plates.

A diptych (/ˈdɪptɪk/; from the Greek δίπτυχον, di "two" + ptychē "fold") is any object with two flat plates which form a pair, often attached by hinge.

Most of the works of Rogier van der Weyden consist of triptychs, diptychs or polyptychs, each including more than one panel.

He takes his notname from an imitation stone statue in a grisaille diptych wing panel of St.

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