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dichromatism Meaning in Telugu ( dichromatism తెలుగు అంటే)

డైక్రోమాటిజం, కేవలం రెండు రంగులు గ్రహించడం సామర్థ్యం

ఏ రంగును కలపడం ద్వారా కేవలం రెండు ఇతర తరంగదైర్ఘ్యాలను కలపగల రంగు దృష్టి లేకపోవడం (సాధారణ రంగు దృష్టి గల వ్యక్తులచే అవసరమైన మూడు తరంగదైర్ఘ్యాలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా),


కేవలం రెండు రంగులు గ్రహించడం సామర్థ్యం,

dichromatism's Usage Examples:

The only finch in its subfamily to undergo a complete molt, the American goldfinch displays sexual dichromatism: the male is a vibrant.

Because males have only one copy of the X chromosome, dichromatism is much more prevalent among men.

blindness:53 (monochromatism, dichromatism, anomalous trichromatism, tritanopia, deuteranopia, protanopia) Cystic fibrosis:53 Duchenne muscular dystrophy:53.

In addition, sexual dichromatism is not infrequently seen in lepturines; usually, longhorn beetles are.

The genus has some sexual dichromatism, with males having brighter hues.

(monochromatism, dichromatism, anomalous trichromatism, tritanopia, deuteranopia, protanopia) Cystic fibrosis:53 Duchenne muscular dystrophy:53 Ectrodactyly.

Sexual dichromatism is often prominent in adult oakblues.

Often, sexual dimorphism in coloration (sexual dichromatism) is seen, such as in the black lemur.

Threefin blennies are diurnal and territorial; many species exhibit sexual dichromatism, with the females drab compared to the males.

layers, an optical phenomenon called dichromatism.

Sexual dichromatism is rare among snakes and is mostly only documented in some groups such.

Sexual dichromatism is however extreme, with the two sexes appearing entirely different.

Brachydactyly (shortness of fingers and toes):53 Colour blindness:53 (monochromatism, dichromatism, anomalous trichromatism, tritanopia, deuteranopia, protanopia).

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