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deschooling Meaning in Telugu ( deschooling తెలుగు అంటే)

స్కూలింగ్, మురోలట్


శిక్షణ, అభ్యసించడం, డామినేషన్, మురోలట్, చదువు, మార్పు,

deschooling's Usage Examples:

She is a leader in the unschooling, deschooling, and homeschooling movement.

" The term deschooling was popularized by Ivan Illich, who argued that the school as an institution.

authored several books on educational policy and was a proponent of deschooling.

This reality pushed him further and further into the idea of deschooling.

was a homeschooling newsletter focused primarily on unschooling and deschooling.

The school was a reflection of the Ivan Illich "deschooling" movement, which proposed that people would learn best from community.

Goodman"s book was a precursor to the work of deschooling advocate Ivan Illich.

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