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depth Meaning in Telugu ( depth తెలుగు అంటే)

లోతు, మిడిల్ మాన్


మిడిల్ మాన్, డీప్ స్పేస్, లోతు, తీవ్రతనం, డార్క్ వాటర్, ఆలోచన, లోతైన, మధ్య భాగం,

depth's Usage Examples:

been extensively studied, the species is believed to be one of the most fecund among octopuses in its region and depth level, despite the species possessing.

The original depth of the shaft has been estimated, from the amount of spoil placed in the shaft over.

In our politics there seemed to be a depthless cushion of street-corner cynicism, a special kind of tainted, small-time.

He concluded: With its mix of in-depth strategy, tactical action, and slick storytelling, Command " Conquer brings console strategy games out of the shadow they've lived in for so long.

great depths are fitted with a helium or mixed breathing gas release or escape valve to prevent the crystal from being blown off by an internal pressure build.

Inverse Look:Opinion and analysis of PC gaming, by Rick LaneFeatures:Several in-depth articles on computer-related topics (normally 2 per issue)Customised PC:Two-page column dedicated to modding, water-cooling and PC customisation, by Antony LeatherHow To:5 pages of step-by-step tutorials written by Antony Leather.

fishing lures" depth while running at the proper speed.

He commented that the overall release was "glossy and depthless", and concluded "Her voice isn"t the strongest, the lyrics are woeful.

collective, non-I, archetypal) forces in its depths.

It seeks to keep culture strong and alive, for future generations of artists, and [to] make culture accessible in an authentic way to those that seek a more in-depth understanding.

STP can be combined with other techniques and tools (augers, corers) to extend the maximum depth of effective testing beyond 1.

depth of the model was essential for its high performance, which was computationally expensive, but made feasible due to the utilization of graphics processing.

Due to the more in-depth curing method, using heat, pressure or strong light, this can have a lower polymerisation shrinkage.


shallow, extent, draft, sounding, shallowness, draught, deepness, profoundness, deep, profundity, penetration,


colorless, high, deep, shallow, deepness,

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