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deckle edged Meaning in Telugu ( deckle edged తెలుగు అంటే)

డెక్ల్ అంచులు, దశాబ్ద అంచు

deckle edged's Usage Examples:

To attract more revenue, a luxury edition was printed on deckle edged paper with a circulation of 100 copies, and sold at four-times the.

Through these perforations, the wall which is behind the deckle edged paper becomes a component of the work and takes on a bigger or smaller.

To attract more revenue, a luxury edition was printed on deckle edged paper with a circulation of 100 copies, and sold at four-times the usual.

quality wove paper, in a small edition of only 100; the paper was left deckle edged, and was specially watermarked "G.


deckled, featheredged, bordered,


unbordered, infinite,

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