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dandi Meaning in Telugu ( dandi తెలుగు అంటే)

దండి, రెండు చక్రాలు అరచేతులు


పొట్టు, దండి, పడవ, ప్రకాశవంతమైన యువకుడు, రెండు చక్రాలు అరచేతులు, కయాక్,


అద్భుతమైన, దండి, అల్బేలా, సజిలా, బెస్ట్,

dandi's Usage Examples:

Samuel Johnson, the least dandified of Londoners.

He drove a butter-coloured, gadget-festooned Alfa Romeo, and with his dandified presence he was anathema to the mafiosi of the old school ….

A dandified gentleman appears at the top of a stairway and doffs his hat to the lady; he smiles and courts her attention.

In spite of his dandified affectations, or perhaps—given the growing popularity of commercial spectacles.

Formed in the 1890s, the Cherry Hill Gang were known as the dandies of New York's underworld.

that tree stands; Urd hight the one, the second Verdandi, on a tablet they graved, Skuld the third; Laws they established, life allotted to the sons of men.

Clarke, features frontman Thom Yorke portraying the character of Pop as "a dandified vampire in a glass coffin", accompanied by other band members.

The writers and dandies Charles Baudelaire and Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly also had some influence, but the most important model was the notorious aristocratic aesthete Robert de Montesquiou, who was also the basis for Baron de Charlus in Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu.

film an enthusiastic review in The New York Times, calling it "one of the dandiest mystery dramas that has shown here" and "a pip of a murder thriller, ghost.

Generally, the term is considered archaic and somewhat dandified.

Men of more notable accomplishments than Beau Brummell also adopted the dandiacal pose: Lord Byron occasionally dressed the part, helping reintroduce the.

subsidiary of Fly-By-Night Industries, has entrusted who? Me! To show you! The handiest and the dandiest kitchen tool you"ve ever seen.

marvelous color, we repeat—this huge motion picture of the big-top is the dandiest ever put upon the screen.

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