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counterintelligence Meaning in Telugu ( counterintelligence తెలుగు అంటే)

కౌంటర్ ఇంటెలిజెన్స్, రెసిస్టెంట్



counterintelligence తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

యాంటీబయాటిక్స్ వాడకం పెరిగినప్పటికీ బ్యాక్టీరియా యాంటీమైక్రోబయల్ రెసిస్టెంట్ జాతుల అభివృద్ధికి దారితీయవచ్చు.

కోటు వాటర్ రెసిస్టెంట్ కాబట్టి చలికాలంలో నీళ్లలోకి తీసుకునేటప్పుడు కుక్కకు చల్లదనం దొరకదు.

counterintelligence's Usage Examples:

conducts proactive technical counterintelligence operations and support, counterespionage investigations and analysis and production to detect, identify, assess.

An FBI counterintelligence report on Wovschin has a hand-written note in the margin stating she may have died serving as a nurse in North Korea.

An extensive counterintelligence operation planted a secret document for her to pass to the Soviets.

Sullivan then became even more vocal about Hoover's controversial domestic counterintelligence programs, collectively labeled COINTELPRO, including operations that he himself had conceived and administered.

are: counterintelligence, anticorruption, economic security and related proactive measures.

Baumgardner:My memorandum dated 6/12/64 was approved, authorizing a unique counterintelligence operation calculated to cast suspicion on Communist Party (CP) National Committee member and Executive Secretary of the New York District Organization, William Albertson.

After the war, he became a member of Austrian counterintelligence.

different aspect of counterintelligence, such as domestic, international, and counter-terrorism.

His role as a Soviet agent was not discovered by counterintelligence officers until 1950, by which time the damage had been done.

Deputy of Counter IntelligenceDeputy of Counter Intelligence (Deputy III) has the task of policy formulation and implementation of activities and / or counterintelligence operations.

The Guidelines do not apply to the use of confidential informants in foreign intelligence or foreign counterintelligence investigations or to informants operating outside the United States in connection with extraterritorial criminal investigations (unless the informant is likely to be called to testify in a domestic case).

Syrian counterintelligence eventually uncovered the spy conspiracy and convicted Cohen under pre-war martial law, sentencing.


intelligence activity, counter-sabotage, counterespionage, intelligence, security review, security intelligence, countersubversion, censoring, censorship, intelligence operation,


unintelligent, intelligent, inability, stupidity,

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