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cooking chocolate Meaning in Telugu ( cooking chocolate తెలుగు అంటే)

వంట చాక్లెట్


వంట చాక్లెట్,

cooking chocolate's Usage Examples:

Chocolate pizza may be prepared using cooking chocolate as a spread before baking in the oven.

Nitrogen saturated smooth pour cream ale made with a large amount of cooking chocolate.

for drawing, particularly women, in the manga his main specialty is cooking chocolate dishes; he even boasted in the second volume that his skill can easily.

chocolate, also referred to as bitter chocolate, cooking chocolate and unsweetened chocolate, is a type of dark chocolate that is prepared for use as an.

Baking chocolate, also referred to as bitter chocolate, cooking chocolate and unsweetened chocolate, is a type of dark chocolate that is prepared for.

It is known particularly for its bars of eating and cooking chocolate, as well as its Poulain Orange product, which is a chocolate drink.

solid substance; also known as "bitter," "baking chocolate" and "cooking chocolate" Dark chocolate – Chocolate with high cocoa solids content Milk chocolate –.


chocolate, baking chocolate, bitter chocolate,


uncolored, colorlessness, white, natural, impartial,

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