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conscientiousness Meaning in Telugu ( conscientiousness తెలుగు అంటే)

మనస్సాక్షి, ధరిశిత్వం


నిజాయితీ, ప్యూర్ అంతరాయం, ధరిశిత్వం,

conscientiousness's Usage Examples:

Openness and agreeableness appear to be significantly negatively related to facial symmetry, while neuroticism and conscientiousness do not seem to be linked to facial symmetry.

hatred Amoha - non-bewilderment Vīrya - diligence, effort Praśrabdhi - pliancy Apramāda - conscientiousness Upekṣa - equanimity Ahiṃsā - nonharmfulness.

Though to the inferior clergy there was unquestionably something over-awing in his presence, arising from their conscientiousness of his superior attainments.

extraversion traits; Costa and McCrae introduced facet scales for the agreeableness and conscientiousness traits in the Revised NEO-PI (NEO PI-R).

Its motto is in Chinese "務本力學", meaning "conscientiousness and diligence".

neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

Through his research he found that around the age of 30, neuroticism and extroversion begin to decline, while agreeableness and conscientiousness increase.

personality traits (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism).

hrī; Pali: hiri) is a Buddhist term translated as "self-respect" or "conscientiousness".

Costa and McCrae introduced facet scales for the agreeableness and conscientiousness traits in the Revised NEO-PI (NEO PI-R).

As a child, Rantoul was known for his "ingeniousness, veracity, modesty, docility, and tender conscientiousness.

(openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism).

not fulfilling expectations, owing to his over-conscientiousness and diffidence about his abilities.


religiousness, conscience,


careful, inattentiveness, unconscientiousness,

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