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concoctions Meaning in Telugu ( concoctions తెలుగు అంటే)

కల్తీలు, దృష్టి కథ


దృష్టి కథ,

concoctions తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఈమె రచించిన దృష్టి కథాసంపుటి పై నాగార్జున విశ్వవిద్యాలయంలో ఎం.

concoctions's Usage Examples:

Various concoctions were formerly created that were believed to be beneficial to one"s health.

two-stage rockets, and various gunpowder solutions including poisonous concoctions.

distinctive Dalby"s and other bottles and refill them with their own concoctions and the patent medicine business took off in America.

The Los Angeles Times was also fairly positive, writing that although the saucers look like art department concoctions, the film still has a sort of pseudoscientific charm.

The term has also been used for similar less-than-reputable alcoholic concoctions.

Sometimes the term "martini" is used to refer to other mostly-hard-liquor cocktails such as Manhattan, Cosmopolitan, and ad hoc or local concoctions whose.

It is used in various cosmetic chemical concoctions.

HistoryThe name Agno was derived from a species of swamp tree called “Agno Casto”, a chaste tree used for medicinal concoctions to relieve pain and illness, that grew abundantly in the locality.

for his liberal beliefs, had spent his time in jail devising chemical concoctions and mechanical constructions that would never be made; Ignazio continued.

On the whole Labyrinth is one of the thinnest musical concoctions Menotti has ever put together.

drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, alcohol and opium-based concoctions or elixirs, to be sold at medicine shows as medication or products promoting health.

folksongs than the first volume, and instead has some obvious literary concoctions.

quack by Hitler"s associates, administered a wide variety of unorthodox concoctions and medications to Hitler beginning in 1936.


mixture, mix,


disassemble, ending, misconception, finish,

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