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compass point Meaning in Telugu ( compass point తెలుగు అంటే)

కంపాస్ పాయింట్


కంపాస్ పాయింట్,

compass point's Usage Examples:

Northwest is a compass point.

The ship"s name is derived from the Dutch translation for the eastern compass point, and is pronounced "OH-ster-dam.

Where the deviation from a compass point cannot be counteracted through the use of Flinders bar, Kelvin"s balls, Heeling error magnets.

or GZI or shadowgraph, consisted of four horizontally mounted cardinal compass point pinhole cameras within a metal drum, each "camera" contained a sheet.

These directions always fall between the standard octaval compass points—i.

South is a cardinal direction or compass point.

West is a cardinal direction or compass point.

The sons of Horus also became associated with the cardinal compass points, so that Hapi was the north, Imsety the south, Duamutef the east and Qebehsenuef the west.

North is a cardinal direction or compass point.

or GZI or shadowgraph, consisted of four horizontally mounted cardinal compass point pinhole cameras within a metal drum.

aligned closely to cardinal compass points, such a wing may be more informatively described by its related side of the building (such as "south wing of.

North is one of the four compass points or cardinal directions.

The GZI consisted of four horizontally mounted cardinal compass point pinhole cameras within a white enamelled metal drum, each "camera".


intercept, factor, intersection point, intersection, ingredient, attracter, constituent, attractor, point of intersection, element, component,


right, front, back, left, unerect,

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