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combat zone Meaning in Telugu ( combat zone తెలుగు అంటే)

పోరాట మండలం, యుద్ధం ఫీల్డ్


యుద్ధం ఫీల్డ్,

combat zone's Usage Examples:

(ISM), she was crushed to death by an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) armored bulldozer in a southern Gaza Strip combat zone during the height of the second Palestinian.

The helmet was first issued in 2019 to troops deploying to combat zones like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

On ABC World News Tonight that evening, anchor Elizabeth Vargas discussed the dangers of reporting in a combat zone.

In combat zones, these agents employ the same tactical vehicles as regular military police units.

(WIA) describes combatants who have been wounded while fighting in a combat zone during wartime, but have not been killed.

the United States Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.

heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.

The mission of Redding Army Air Field was advanced flight training of new airmen prior to their deployment overseas into the combat zones of the Pacific, China, Mediterranean or European Theaters.

The general star and medal are issued for any active service in a combat zone, which one or ones being distinguished by additional clasps that are worn on the medal's ribbon.

the second woman IAF officer after Srividya Rajan, her colleague, to go to war (also listed as "one of the first women to fly in a combat zone").

They saw service aboard warships in the combat zone for the rest of World War II.

Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.


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